What journals do scholars and researchers import the most?
Looking at data collected by RefWorks starting in Quarter 1 2013 through Quarter 3 2016, here are the top 10 journals imported by researchers:
- – American Journal of Public Health
- – Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- – Circulation
- – Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
- – Journal of American Geriatrics Society
- – Lancet
- – Nature
- – Pediatrics
- – PLOS (Public Library of Science) One
- – Social Science & Medicine
Note, these are NOT the top 10 ranked in ascending or descending order. These are the top 10 overall journals imported into RefWorks. These journals have appeared among the top 10, quarter by quarter, for the entire span of time we’re observing. While the number of researchers who imported these journals fluctuated throughout this duration, science and health-related journals are consistently among the most used by researchers.
This consistency is a reflection of the popularity of science and health-related majors for students and researchers at all levels of advancement.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, of the 1,870,000 bachelor degrees awarded in 2013–14, the top 5 fields included health professions, psychology, and biological and biomedical sciences. At the master level, the category of health professions and related programs was listed in the top 3 for number of degrees conferred.
The fluctuations in the numbers are likely impacted by the school calendar. When the majority of students in science and health disciplines are on break during the summer or during the holidays, they are less likely to be working on research projects, and the number of imports for these journals dips. However, despite the lower number of journals being imported into RefWorks during these non-peak times, the top 10 journals listed above are still regularly imported by advanced researchers, including graduate students as well as faculty, alumni or clinicians in health and science fields, who continue their research through breaks in the academic year.
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Works cited:
National Center for Education Statistics (2017). Bachelor’s Degrees Earned By Field: 1980 To 2015 [Selected Years] ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the U.S. 2017 Online Edition.
National Center for Education Statistics (2017). Master’s And Doctoral Degrees Earned By Field: 1971 To 2015 [Selected School Years] ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the U.S. 2017 Online Edition.
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