Final Assignments Computer Applications and Environmental Modelling (Aplikasi Komputer dan Permodelan Lingkungan) 8 December 2021

  1. This final task assignment is in the form of preparing a (dummy article) Scientific article for Publishing in journal using MS Word application. The dummy scientific article could be prepared in English or Indonesian.
  2. The section structure of the article should be: Title, Name of Author, Affiliation institutions, Abstract, Key Words, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References. The sub-section items must be included can be guided in the book of Publication Manual of the APA, Sixth Edition (2013) Section 2 and/or other lecture materials.
  3. In the article, it must contain references or citations to important literatures sourced from international / national scientific journal articles, books, and / or a dissertation. How to make references / citations, you must use the Mendeley or Zotero application (with the Harvard system). Bibliography is written using the automatic feature of Mendeley (or other Reference Manager, like Zotero) with the Harvard system format. Guidelines how to use the Mendeley in MS Word can be found in YouTube Videos (so many tutorials in YouTube).
  4. Pictures in the form of graphs (Figures) must contain graphs of the results of data processing using the ORIGIN graphics processing application (Multiple Y Graphics). The charts should include: at least one simple graphs (XY charts (single Y)), and at least one multi Y charts: XYY charts, XY-YY charts, or XYY (middle) -Y charts, or X-YY-Y (middle) -YY charts, or others .
  5. The figures must also contain graphs of the results of data processing using the ORIGIN CURVE FITTING model on experimental data which includes: models that already exist in Origin, or models made by themselves (Custom Model), and completed with R2 and ANOVA data, and graphics of experimental data and model.
  6. Citation to all figures and tables should use Caption-Cross Reference facility in MS Word.
  7. Tables should be presented without verticals lines, while the horizontal lines should only be displayed around the table heading and bottom line.
  8. This Assignments should be collected by uploading an MS Word document (.docx), where the file name contains information on the student’s full name and NIM). Note: You will only have one chance to upload an assignment file, so make sure that the uploaded assignment file is correct. URL for assignment submission here:
  9. Submission/Uploading the assignments file by: Saturday, December 25th, 2021 at 16.00 WIB