Tugas Kuliah Teknik Reaksi Kimia Lanjut (21 November 2023)

    • [Problem A, Score = 40] The irreversible gas-phase reaction: A ==> B (with presence of catalyst) is carried out adiabatically over a packed-bed of solid catalyst particles. The reaction is first order in the concentration of A on the catalyst surface: –rAs = kCAs. The feed consists of 60%mole A and 40 %mole inerts, and enters the bed at a temperature of 400 K. The entering volumetric flow rate is 15 dm3/s (i.e. 15,000 cm3/s). The relationship between the Sherwood number and the Reynold number is: Sh = 100 Re1/2. As a first approximation, one may neglect pressure drop. The entering concentration of A is 1.5 M. Calculate the catalyst weight (W) necessary to achieve 75% conversion of A for: (a). isothermal operation; (b). adiabatic operation. Additional information: Kinematic viscosity (μ/ρ) = 0.02 cm2/s; Particle diameter (dp) = 0.25 cm; Superficial velocity (U) = 10 cm/s; Catalyst surface area/mass of catalyst bed (a) = 60 cm2/g-cat; Diffusivity of A (De) = 10-2 cm2/s; Heat of reaction (ΔHoRx = -10,000 cal/gmol A; Heat capacities (CpA = CpB) = 25 cal/gmol.K, CpS (solvent) = 75 cal/gmol.K; k‘ (400 K) = 0.01 cm3/s.g-cat with E = 4000 cal/mol).
    • [Problem B, Score = 20] The reaction: A —> B is carried out in a differential packed-bed reactor at different temperatures, flow rates, and particle sizes. The results shown in Figure P15-3B below were obtained. (a). What regions (i.e. conditions dp, T, FT0) are external mass transfer-limited? ; (b). What regions are reaction rate-limited?; (c). What region is internal-diffusion-controlled?; (d). What is the internal effectiveness factor at T = 400 K and dp = 0.8 cm?
    • [Problem C, Score = 40]: The second-order decomposition reaction: A —> B + 2C is carried out in a tubular reactor packed with catalyst pellets 0.5 cm in diameter. The reaction is internal-diffusion-limited. Pure reactant A enters the reactor at a superficial velocity of 5 m/s, a temperature of 300 oC, and a pressure of 500 kPa. Experiments carried out on smaller pellets where surface reaction is limiting yielded a specific reaction rate of 0.05 m6/mol.g-cat.s. Calculate the length of bed necessary to achieve 90% conversion.
  2. Each Student must solve the following Problems and report it as a Final Examination Task. The final examination task document file (in .PDF file, where the filename should contain your full name) must be uploaded to the following URL before 16th December 2023 : .