Topik Tugas ke-2: Penjelasan detil tentang The Shape of Molecules dari aspek molekular (procedures to determine the shape of molecules which started from Lewis Structure (Figure 10.1 and 10.11); attraction forces among lone electrons pairs
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Lecture Assignment #1 of Inorganic Chemistry (September 2022)
Lecture Assignment #1 of Inorganic Chemistry (September 2022): 1st Task Topic: Detailed explanation from molecular aspects (electrons behaviour, forces/energies, electronegativity difference, and % Ionic Character) for: Covalent Bonding, Ionic Bonding, and Metallic Bonding (from Chapters
Read moreTugas Kuliah ke-1 Kimia Anorganik (September 2022)
Tugas Kuliah ke-1 Kimia Anorganik (September 2022): Topik Tugas ke-1: Penjelasan detil dari aspek molekular (electrons behaviour, forces/energies, electronegativity difference, and % Ionic Character) untuk Covalent Bonding, Ionic Bonding, and Metallic Bonding (dari Chapters 2.7,
Read moreRencana Kuliah KIMIA ANORGANIK (PTKM6103) (22 Agustus 2022)
Buku Referensi: Martin S. Silberberg, Patricia Amateis, (2015). “Chemistry : The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change“. McGraw Hill Education, 7th Edition, Virginia. Kuliah #1 Kimia Anorganik C (The Historical Atomic Theory and The Modern
Read moreThe Newest Our Publication in MOLECULAR CATALYSIS (Elsevier, Quartile Q1)
I. Istadi, Rahma Amalia, Teguh Riyanto, Didi D. Anggoro, Bunjerd Jongsomjit, Ari Bawono Putranto, (2022), Acids Treatment for Improving Catalytic Properties and Activity of the Spent RFCC Catalyst for Cracking of Palm Oil to Kerosene-Diesel
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