Syllabus Bahan Kuliah Sesi Paruh Semester Pertama Tahun 2020 (Dosen: Prof. Dr. Istadi):
- Definitions of Natural Gas, Gas Reservoir, Gas Drilling and Gas production (Pengertian gas alam, gas reservoir, gas drilling, dan produksi gas) [unduh slide #1]
- Overview of Gas Plant Processing (Overview Sistem Pemrosesan Gas) and Gas Field Operations and Inlet Receiving (Operasi Lapangan Gas dan Penerimaan Inlet) [unduh slide #2]
- Pigging and Gas Hydrate and Gas Liquid Separator [unduh slide #2]
- Gas Treating: Chemical Gas Treatments (Pengolahan Gas: secara kimia) and Sour Gas Treating (Pengolahan Gas Asam) [unduh slide #3]
- Gas Treating: Physical Gas Treatments (Pengolahan Gas: secara fisika) [unduh slide #4]
- Gas Dehydration Plant (Dehidrasi Gas) [unduh slide #5]
- Tugas Kuliah / Quiz Online
- A. J. Kidnay, W.R. Parrish, (2006), Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processsing, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton
- S. Mokhatab, W.A. Poe, J.Y. Mak. (2015). Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and Processing Principles and Practices, Third Edition, Gulf Professional Publishing imprint of Elsevier. [download this book].
- H.K. Abdel-Aal, M. Aggour, and M.A. Fahim, (2003). Petroleum and Gas Field Processing. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York